Performing at UNT

I had the honor and pleasure of performing at The University of North Texas.  This is a fun a vibrant campus full of squirrels, albino squirrels, and bad parking.  The lovely ladies of Zeta Tau Alpha were awesome and I…Read more

Clean Getaway Comedy at Nutt St.

For the 4th time, Mike and I co-headlined together at Nutt St. Comedy Room in Wilmington, North Carolina.  Friday night, we were joined by Steve Melia as our opener and Craig Travis as our feature.  Below you can see Cliff…Read more

Featuring at Stars Comedy Club/202 Market

Roanoke is a beautiful town.  And it is made even better by 202 Market, a venue that caters to those looking for delicious food, a fun night life, and a monthly comedy bash.  This joint is classy!  Saturday was a…Read more

Performing in Paris!…..Texas

Paris Texas has everything you would expect a place called Paris Texas to have.  It has an eiffel tower with a cowboy hat on top.  It has a Jesus statue in a cememtary with cowboy boots on.  And it has…Read more

John Felts at the Spirit River Front Music Festival

I have always liked gospel music.  But there’s gospel music, and then there’s gospel LIVE!  Experiencing gospel music in person is a whole new world.  I was honored to share the stage with Doreen Vail, Michelle Harris and Alvin Slaughter!…Read more

Performing at Ave Maria University!

Ave Maria University is Catholic.  And when I say Catholic I mean Catholic.  In the room I was staying in, there was literally a little crucifix under a crucifix next to a picture of a crucifix! The campus was beautiful,…Read more

Featuring for Taylor Williamson

I had a really good time featuring for Taylor Williamson at the Nutt St. Comedy Room last friday night.  The evening was hosted by none other than Sean Webb, Nutt Streets favorite host.  Steve Marcinowski also did some time. Taylor…Read more

Performing at Belmont Abbey College!

Belmont Abbey College is beautiful.  It feels like a Castle.  I felt like I was at Hogwarts, but also the opposite of Hogwarts, because it was a Catholic College.   It was like someone crossed Downton Abbey with Wayne Manor,…Read more

Appearing on the 700 Club!

I don’t think I’ve ever been on TV before.  Maybe in the background of a News story on a Toby Mac look-alike contest.  But this was the first one I can say I remember, and captured! A few months ago…Read more

1st place… Out of 6!

The other night at the Lazy Pirate, I was able to do what I so rarely do: win first place!  It was great to be competing with great fellow comics and friends Timmy Sherrill, Zack Burke, Sean Webb, Madison Davis…Read more