Belmont Abbey College is beautiful.  It feels like a Castle.  I felt like I was at Hogwarts, but also the opposite of Hogwarts, because it was a Catholic College.   It was like someone crossed Downton Abbey with Wayne Manor, thats what it felt like.

Performing for the student body there was great!  It was harder to see me, because there was no stage, I’m short, and that probably made it hard for some of the students to see.  But I’m convinced it didn’t hurt the show that much.  The crowd was great, an their Student Activities Director (or SAD) was wonderful to work with.  The event was part of the schools “Welcome-Back” week to help kick off the new school year.  Better yet, I was able to re-unite with my old band mate Tyler Thompson who came down to re-vamp our college rock folk indy factory metal electronica christian parody comedy group band known as Short and Sweet.  Needless to say, we changed Christian Rock history once again.  Not since DC Talk’s “Nu Thang” album has God been so pleased with music.  Thanks to Tom and Larry Weaver Entertainment for hooking the gig up.

Red Bulls on Parade! Pre-show “Pop-Eye” Spinach.

Taking the stage!… I mean floor.

The return of Short and S


After Show Chatter

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