What an adventure!  It was honor to bring laughter to the employees of Nexus Global Business Solutions.  And what employees they have!  Nexus Global specializes in international resource consulting and more.  These people know how to party!  In addition to me, There was a flash mob, photo-booth,  and a magician!  What a night!  Their clients and employees come from all over the world.  The company party included folks from Nigeria, England, Scotland, The Virgin Islands, Indonesia, and more!  It was a challenge, but certainly a lot of fun too, trying to communicate humor to different cultures.

The Band


The CEO and his Mrs


Could not help trying to get a shot of a man wearing a kilt next to a man wearing a cowboy hat. When else is this going to happen?!


Yes, there was a baby there, and yes, it was better dressed than me.


Representative from the Indonesian Branch holding the baby


This friendly couple was from the Virgin Islands


Jealous of these Kilts…

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