New Bern has a comedy scene!

Thanks to Doug Canney and the Bambooz Tiki Bar, New Bern NC now has a monthly Open Mic!  As a comedian, open mic’s are crucial to growing in the field.  It is typically a great place to try out new material, get comfortable in front of an audience, and network with other comedians.  And now, New Bern has one!  It has started monthly, but can only grow from here.  Headlining the event was a blast, and it was honor to be there at the kick off of a new tradition.  For more information about the next upcoming open in New Bern, track to Doug Canney at










Some of the kind crowd in attendance



This guy made crowd work looots of fun...










This lady raised the roof after many jokes! And has seen Mike and Timmy Sherrill do comedy!











This was the only black guy at the gig, he was a lot of fun.










My buddy Shawn Angel was there!










Doug and I

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