This was an amazing event, hands down.  800 Students packed into one auditorium for a time of games, fellowship, worship, praise, growth, laughter and LOUDNESS.  Loud would probably be the word to describe the evening.  The weekend was led by speaker Ernest Smith who encouraged the youth by reminding them that God made them to be awesome, and doing what everyone is doing is just boring.  His testimony was incredible.  You can learn more about Ernest on his site here!

Giving God glory in a whole other way, the Worship was led by the fantastic Second Hand City, formerly known as Elisha.  Both Ernest and the guys from Second Hand City were instrumental in calming my nerves with prayer and laughter.  Check out more from Second Hand City on their site here!  I had an incredible time, and the crowd of kids were killer!  A big thanks to Amanda Thomas and Caroline for managing the event.







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