Evansville, Indiana

I don’t think I’ve ever felt more welcome at a church, than when I was with the people at OakHill Baptist Church.  What an AMAZING crowd.  I’ve yet to see such an age diverse church that is so unified and…Read more

Another GREAT Love is Bald Show!

I had the distinct pleasure of performing for the Love is Bald Charity again this year.  Each time I do, it’s a blast.  Items are auctioned off, food is served, and the night always provides a wild and interactive crowd…Read more


PC3 Fun Time

PC3 Fun Time

It’s always exciting, and a little nerve-racking, performing for your own church.  It was tons of fun though performing for Port City Churches SmallGroup draft night amongst fellow small group leaders.  It was a short kick-off, but a great time…Read more

Packed Show at The Reel

It was a full house at the Reel Cafe and a great night of Clean Comedy.  Opener Blair Postman knew how to kick the show off while feature Lew Morgante really heated the crowd up with laughter, turning the tables…Read more

First Show of 2014!  Comedy Club of Jacksonville

I had the honor and pleasure of featuring for Jeff Caldwell at the Comedy Club of Jacksonville.  This club is great.  It serves great food, and knows hows to run a room.  Jeff was incredible.  One of the funniest comics…Read more

New Years Eve Youth Rally!

I’ve been doing the shows that past three New Years, but this one was my favorite, hands down!  I headed to South Hill, VA to ring in the new year with the Light the Night Youth Rally.  Not only was…Read more

Trent River Comedy Showcase

Another great showcase with some great comedians and friends.  Few things are more fun.                                                    …Read more

Investing In a Good Time!

Christmas parties are fun.  You know what makes them even more fun?  Flutists, Vocalists and Comedy.  I had a great time performing for Spire Investments in McLean, Virginia for their Christmas Party.  This was a classy night full of laughs,…Read more

Cary Church of God

I received my first standing ovation at The Cary Church of God.  I had to capture it because I wasn’t sure it would ever happen again.  This crowd was awesome.  It was a fun filled night for the worship and…Read more

Comedy at Apollos

Performing with these guys is a blast.  Plus it allows for a 3 hour drive to get all that “serious theological” and “meaning of life and love” talk out of the way.  Eric Shouse, Anthony Corvino, Chuck Roylston and myself…Read more