New Bern is Nice?

I don’t remember New Bern being that much fun.  Until I performed at the Relay for Life Fund Raiser in New Bern, NC this past weekend.  It was an amazing time!  I had the pleasure of performing with fellow comics…Read more

Port City’s Top Comic Promo Video

Click  below to watch the John Felts Port City’s Top Comic Promo Video. Click Here!

Dallas is Beautiful!  “Still…” Marriage Conference.

  Dallas was amazing!  Apparently, even though I was living in the area from when I was born to when I was 3, I some how couldn’t remember what a beautiful city Dallas was.  However, I didn’t need to ask…Read more

Stuff Christian Singles Hear

Written by: John Felts Directed by: Joey Connolley Executive Producers: John Felts and Joey Connolley   Click to Watch Stuff Single Christians Hear

Opening for Ryan Hamilton

I don’t think people get nicer than Ryan Hamilton.  Ryan is such a nice guy, it makes you nervous that he lives in New York City.  Being able to open and present Ryan to the Stage was an absolute joy….Read more

Opening for Trevor Noah

I have never heard a comedian go as long, and have as much consistent laughter.  Trevor Noah amazed the audience at Nutt St. Comedy Room in Downtown Wilmington.  He was able to take the most obscure and unpredictable topics and…Read more

Richland Baptist Church, Lynnville TN

Who knew Lynnville TN could be so fun?  You didn’t, because you’ve never heard of it.  No one has.  Lynnville is a beautiful diamond in the rough mountain town in southern TN.  I had an absolutely wonderful time entertaining the…Read more

Headlining at the Riverside, Rockford TN

It was a fun filled night at the Riverside Theater in Rockford TN.  This is an awesome new venue in the Knoxville area that caters to clean comedy only!  They offer clean improv and standup on a monthly basis!  It…Read more

SACPC Couples Retreat Show

“We have had John twice now for our church.  First time for an evening of fun with our officers and spouses and second for a night at a couples retreat.  On both occasions John had us in stitches!  His stories…Read more

3rd Place at the Laughing Skull!

Hey friends!  Last week in Atlanta, I was fortunate enough to grab 3rd place out of the 12 comics at the Laughing Skull Comedy Festival Preliminary round!  I was humbled to follow comedians Sean Kent and Landry who took the…Read more